Night of Love-by Ghananand
Sun ri sajni rajni ki katha. in nain-chakoran jyaum bitai.
Mukh-chand sujan sajivan ko lakhi paerii bhai kachhu riti nai.
Abhilasani aturtai ghata tab hi Ghananamd aani chhai.
Su bihaati na jaani pari bhram ki kab hvai bisvasini biti gai.
What She Said to Her Girlfriend
I will tell you how the chakors*
which are like my eyes,
spent the night:
on seeing the moon-like face of my lover,
desire caused the cloud of anxiety
to spread before them,
because of which
they did not know
when the night ended:
for separation
made this treacherous night
seem very short.
Chakor - A bird enamoured of the moon
Mukh-chand sujan sajivan ko lakhi paerii bhai kachhu riti nai.
Abhilasani aturtai ghata tab hi Ghananamd aani chhai.
Su bihaati na jaani pari bhram ki kab hvai bisvasini biti gai.
What She Said to Her Girlfriend
I will tell you how the chakors*
which are like my eyes,
spent the night:
on seeing the moon-like face of my lover,
desire caused the cloud of anxiety
to spread before them,
because of which
they did not know
when the night ended:
for separation
made this treacherous night
seem very short.
Chakor - A bird enamoured of the moon