Wives of a Rajah
Such! proud Bengala's King and court,
Where chief and champions brave resort,
With ladies happy, gay and free,
As fishes in Bengala's sea!
One beauty shone amid the throng,
I mark'd her nose so fair and long,
So fitted to her pretty pole,
Like a nice toad-fish in its hole.
One beauty small, amid the row,
Did like the fair Sanangin show;
None softer smil'd aid them all;
Small was her mouth, her stature small,
Her visage blended rose and pale,
Her pregnant waist a swelling sail.
Another's face look'd broad and bland,
Like pamflet floundering on the sand
Whene'er she turned her piercing stare,
She seemed alert to spring in air.
Two more I mark'd in black array,
Like the salisdick dark were they;
Their skins, their faces fair & red,
And white the flesh beneath lay hid.
These pretty fish, so blithe and brave,
To see them frisking on the wave!
Were I an angler in the sea,
These fishes were the fish for me!!
(A merchant from the Malay countries)