I am the very Model for a Student Mathematical
I am the very model for a student mathematical; I’ve information rational, and logical and practical. I know the laws of algebra, and find them quite symmetrical, And even know the meaning of ‘a variate antithetical’. I’m extremely well acquainted, with all things mathematical. I understand equations, both the simple and quadratical. About binomial theorems I’m teeming with a lot o’news, With many cheerful facts about the square of the hypotenuse. I’m very good at integral and differential calculus, And solving paradoxes that so often seem to rankle us. In short in matters rational, and logical and practical, I am the very model for a student mathematical. I know the singularities of equations differential, And some of these are regular, but the rest are quite essential. I quote the results of giants; with Euler, Newton, Gauss, Laplace, And can calculate an orbit, given a centre, force and mass. I can reconstruct equations, both canonical and formal, And write all kinds of matrices, or...